Tag Archives: Faith

The Danger of the Fear of Disappointment

It’s not unusual that fear of disappointment stops people from taking action to achieve something they desire. Many do not allow themselves even to expect something better because they don’t want to be disappointed. 

People commonly tend to shield themselves from the possibility of experiencing the pain of disappointment, rejection, or failure by adopting a mindset of unbelief. To avoid pain, they don’t even try to pursue their dreams, convincing themselves that, for whatever reason, nothing is going to work out anyway. They choose to stay in a comfort zone, and to justify their fears and negative attitude, they call it a “realistic perspective.” In some ways, it is understandable because disappointment is hurtful indeed. However, while one side of the coin might be the comfort, the other side – missing the extraordinary life that you could have but didn’t pursue. 

Also, by trying to avoid disappointment, we might miss the opportunity given to us. We wish, desire, dream and ask God to answer our prayers, but when the answer comes in the form of an opportunity, out of fear of making a mistake or getting disappointed, we might decide not to use that opportunity, and in that way we might reject our answer from the Lord. I was very close to that.

It is hard to imagine what would have happened if, out of fear of disappointment, I would have rejected the prosthetic specialist’s Michael’s offer to come to Istanbul to meet him for his evaluation of my prosthetic legs. His response to my email was like a breath of fresh air. Finally, someone heard my cry for help! Having suffered excruciating pain and emotional anguish for two years, I felt hope, joy, and excitement at the prospect of moving forward.

But there was also a caution and a wish to protect myself from disappointment. While preparing for the trip to Turkey, I heard opinions that I was making a big mistake, that I should “think realistically” because this specialist lives on the other side of the globe from us and he won’t be able to work with me anyway. This meeting will only stir up hope that cannot be realistically fulfilled. Traveling to Turkey to meet him would be a waste of money and efforts.

Indeed, the fear of disappointment was like my shadow, whispering to me, “What if your meeting with Michael will not give you any good results? The new hope that lit up within you will come crashing down again. Are you sure you’re ready to take another hit?”

I knew this was the answer to my prayers, and I was ready to use this opportunity despite anyone’s opinions. Today, when I look back, the fact is if I had listened to the fear of disappointment, I would not have met Michael, come to America, or realized my dream to walk again. Furthermore, I would not live in California today and would not have implemented my vision of being able to live an independent and fulfilling life. 

Can you imagine? One time, one choice would have directed my destiny entirely differently!

If I had followed my fear of disappointment at that time, my story would have developed in a very different way. 

As I write this, once again, I realize that my wish to avoid the pain of disappointment could have easily rejected God’s created opportunity. I would have shut the door, which opened up for me to realize my dream to walk and live a fulfilling, beautiful life. 

It may seem wise to run away from disappointment or to avoid making a mistake. It is easier to listen to the fear of failure and not take that risky step to be safe. However, it can be a big mistake, one that could determine our future.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that we should take every opportunity that comes our way, that we shouldn’t consider any facts before making a decision, or that we shouldn’t be careful.

I am saying this: think carefully about your decision before you say “No” to the opportunity because maybe it has come to bring you exactly what you desire, what you have been praying for. 

Surrendering to fear will cost you your opportunity.

I remembered the words of an author that compelled me to use the opportunity that came my way, to not listen to the fear of “What if…”, step out of my comfort zone, and in faith, step into the unknown in order to create the kind of life I’ve dreamed of since the accident.

“Four things never come back: the spoken word, the fired arrow, the past life and the missed opportunity.” ~ O Mandino

This was one of the best decisions that I have made. It transformed my life. 

I sincerely wish you the same. 

My book UNSTOPPABLE is an inspirational autobiography and personal development book grounded in the author’s Christian faith. It follows the story of Inga Lizdenyte, a woman who transformed her life after a tragic car accident, where the chances stacked against her proved all but insurmountable. From being incapable of speaking or moving or doing anything independently, to traveling from Europe and moving to the United States, the book emerges as a valuable testimony to the power of God.

After her accident, Inga landed in a world she never knew could exist. Her destiny had been crushed and she stood at the crossroads: to give in or to fight. Inga chose to reclaim her life. Yet the lesson learned was that even when matters seem on the way to redemption, the worst can occur. With only steps away from achieving the impossible, everything for Inga had been destroyed all over again. The fruits of her hard work and her continuous efforts were ruined.

Realizing that its not events or the choices of others that can break her, with the Lords intervention, Inga picked herself up and continued her journey in spite of the odds. Intended to inspire and ignite faith, Unstoppable becomes more than a harrowing account, it is a book that reveals; it inescapably touches the heart, but delves as well into the secrets that kept Inga going, equipping readers with the knowledge to break through their own hardships, overcome their obstacles, and to achieve the goals most important to the life they’ve been chosen to live.

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Posted by on January 23, 2024 in Uncategorized


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Personal action or faith in God – what’s more important?

Personal action or faith in God – what’s more important?

Which is of greater significance: personal actions or having faith in God?
This is a deeply personal question, and the answer will differ from person to person. For many, their belief in God is a vital part of their lives. I’ve noticed that some people focus solely on the spiritual aspect of life while neglecting important aspects of personal development such as mindset management, discipline, or making an effort to have what they want in life.
They think all they need to do is go to church, pray, and believe, and make no effort about the situation they pray about, thinking everything will work out by itself, somehow. “God will make it happen,” they say.

Others place greater emphasis on personal responsibility and accountability. They are focused solely on personal development and efforts, rejecting even considering God. They think they don’t need God. “God will not do the work for me; I can count only on myself,” I often hear.

This is the twenty-third year I’ve been walking with the Lord through life after, by His grace, I survived a harrowing tragic car accident. Many said my destiny was broken, but I transformed it into a fulfilling, meaningful, and purposeful life journey. First, I thank God for changing my tragedy into an extraordinary life. Still, as I worked on restoring my life after the accident, through my experience, I have learned that BOTH aspects are essential. I experienced many testimonies of answered prayers in the name of Jesus Christ and incredible help from the Lord. I also made a relentless effort to achieve what I envisioned and prayed for, sometimes working beyond what I thought I could do.

I don’t think I would have achieved my aspirations If I had only prayed and believed. I think I’d still be depressed if I didn’t work on managing my mindset and my thoughts and if I didn’t change what caused the depression. I’d still exist imprisoned by the walls of my room if I did not take the initiative to break through the circumstances and barriers and if I didn’t work as hard as I did to bring a change in my life.

Being in charge, managing your inner state and thoughts, and taking action is just as necessary as relying on God and prayer. We live in a physical world that requires effort to have whatever we value and desire.

Would I have life’s transformation as I do today if I did not act on inspiration and if I did not initiate the change in my circumstances? No. Nobody came into my life and said, “Inga, pack your bags, I will bring you to America, and I will ensure everything you need for a comfortable life.” The change began with me leaving my family and home in Lithuania and traveling to the USA without knowing where I would live or how I would survive there alone, with no legs and only one functioning arm. I stepped out in faith after receiving inspiration from reading a book and reading my Bible after the prayer. If I didn’t act on inspiration, most likely, everything would have stayed as it was…
Most of my goals, which are incredible testimonies today, required my unshakable faith and relentless perseverance.

Would I have these testimonies if I stopped believing when everything seemed hopeless, and I did not receive the answer from God soon, and I would say: “Faith in God and prayers do not work for me”? No. I would have jeopardized my prayer and myself. Countless days and nights, I kept reaffirming my faith, waiting upon the Lord, and did not waver. And in the end, I saw the incredible power of faith and was persuaded more than once that God has his own time for all answers and He is never late.

What would happen if I stopped pursuing my vision when my efforts seemed fruitless or when unshakable obstacles emerged before me? And if I did the work without diligence and carelessly..?  I would have ruined everything myself. Would I live today the life that the Lord promised me through His Holy Scriptures after the accident if I had given up when my journey seemed too difficult to bear? No, no way.

A story came to my mind in Exodus when the Lord led the Israelites out of Egypt. God did not guide them through the land of the Philistines; although it was closer, God led the people around along a desert road to the Red Sea. And when the Israelites came to the Red Sea, Pharaoh, and the Egyptians went to kill them. The Israelites were terrified when they saw that the Egyptians were pursuing them.
They had nowhere to go, and the Israelites, in fright, began to cry out to the Lord and grumble.

In Exodus 14:15-16 we read: Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving! Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea. Divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground.”

First, God says, “Why do you cry out to me?” Israelites were in a challenging situation and cried out to God in fear. But God told them to move forward! See, the Lord did not take the obstacle out of the way nor place them miraculously on the other side of the sea. Israelites had to face the challenge and move forward, following God’s direction (raise the staff and stretch out his hand over the sea), hoping the Lord would help them get through this sea!
God intended to show His glory through this situation, which man himself cannot overcome. Indeed, at the end of the story, we know that the Lord enabled them to pass through the sea as through dry land, destroying their enemies.

What if that’s precisely what needs to happen in your situation, and yet you wait until the Lord somehow miraculously will place you on the other side of your problem or obstacle?

Of course, when the Lord says not to move – we need not to move. But if you did not receive this message, then consider taking action and initiating the change. Do something about that situation that you’ve been praying about.

You can’t lead a passive effortless life and blame God for a miserable and unfruitful life. God gave us freedom of choice, and our choices will bring us blissful results or regretful consequences. The Lord will help you feel better, but still, you have a choice to focus on the negativity and the goodness; your inner state will depend on your choice. The Lord will open the opportunity and create circumstances in your favor, but then you must pay attention, notice that opportunity and use it. Achieving your desired outcome requires putting in the necessary effort. Hesitation, fear, and laziness will cause you to miss those opportunities given to you by the Lord. No goal, no dream can come true without our diligent actions. And if we believe that we have a purpose from the Lord, this will only happen if we dare to step in faith and apply the right actions to fulfill it. Our outcome will depend on your choices.

I also fully acknowledge that my life’s transformation would not have been possible without God’s divine intervention. Many say that I am a strong person, and that’s why I overcame adversity and attained my goals. The actual reason for my inner strength and endurance is my faith. Jesus Christ is who I get the strength and the blessing from. There were numerous times when the hope that I might see God’s help was the only thing that kept me from giving up and gave me the will to keep moving forward in life. There were times when I felt so tired that even all my knowledge about personal development and success principles did not help. I got fiercely knocked down not once and was so deeply disappointed that I didn’t have the strength to pick myself up. And when nobody and nothing could help me, Christ was the one who always did. He got me back up on my feet after each time I fell. He healed my soul’s wounds and encouraged me to take the next step. He always gave me inner strength, inspiration, courage, and endurance to persevere.

God opened up opportunities and created circumstances in my favor, which was inexplicable and incredible. God gave me grace when I was working on my goals. I successfully achieved them all, even if they initially seemed impossible. If not for God, my life would have gone very differently.

I don’t know which direction your life will take, but I want to pass on my experiential knowledge – one of the greatest gems I have found. Trust the Lord, no matter how hopeless it may seem. It is imperative to maintain unwavering faith in the Lord during difficult times. However, it is equally crucial to put dedicated effort towards achieving desired outcomes in life. The results you have today and will experience in the future are inextricably linked to God’s grace and your beliefs, choices, and actions.

Act on inspiration! Be assertive and persistent! Keep striving and pushing forward until you achieve the vision that is within you. Don’t let anything hold you back! And don’t let anything stop you.
But don’t do it alone. Only with God all things are possible.

Be strong. Be determined and relentless. Be unstoppable.

Unstoppable is an inspirational autobiography and personal development book grounded in the authors Christian faith. It follows the story of Inga Lizdenyte, a woman who transformed her life after a tragic car accident, where the chances stacked against her proved all but insurmountable. From being incapable of speaking or moving or doing anything independently, to traveling from Europe and moving to the United States, the book emerges as a valuable testimony to the power of God.

Visit my channel on YouTube where I share more testimonies and tips on how to overcome.

Also, visit my website Becoming Unstoppable, where you will find more articles, and information about my services.

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Posted by on July 25, 2023 in Uncategorized


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Your vision and God’s will for your life. Personal Incredible experience and testimony

Usually, we feel like we are opening a new page at the beginning of the year. What stories do you want your new chapter to carry?

 It’s important to know where you are headed. Otherwise, you will go nowhere, and your life will be organized and managed by other people and outside events that randomly happen.

  • So, what is your vision for this year?
  • What would make this year a success for you?
  • What specifically do you want to accomplish?
  • What would be the impact of achieving this vision on your life?
  • How does your vision align with your highest values?
  • And how does your vision align with God’s will for your life?
  • When we create our vision, we often think about ourselves: our comfort, things we want to accomplish, experiences we want to enjoy. But, have you thought, “Lord, what do YOU want? What is YOUR will for me this year? How can I be of service to You and other people?”

    Not that long ago, I realized that we contradict ourselves: we say, “I want to fulfill God’s will. I want to do what He wants me to do.” But when we think about a vision for our future, a new year, or plan our week, we become the center of it all, not God’s will.

    I had a pretty interesting experience with this seven years ago and a fantastic testimony. For many years I have lived in faith. I would say, “Lord, may Your will be done in my life!” but then, when I planned my life, my goals were all about me. My comfort, my ambitions of what I wanted to achieve. Since my focus was to restore my life after the car accident, I concentrated on achieving what I wanted my life to be. First, it was about my ability to be self-sufficient living with my traumatic injuries, establish my life in a foreign country in a way that I would not have to depend on anybody. This put me in a mindset and lifestyle of constantly achieving my goals.

    I was very passionate about the personal development and success industry for many years, and I had a great desire to go into that industry. My ambitions were relatively high, and I was thrilled just thinking about it. I did not have the means to make it happen, though. My book was written and ready to be published, BUT I did not have the editor nor did I have the money to publish it. I wanted to be a speaker in the personal development industry and record videos, BUT my home did not work well for recording, and I did not have the equipment to record videos and edit them. I did not have the car or someone to drive me where I would need to go for my business.

    An enormous challenge was ahead of me. But I’ve been in this kind of situation not once, and the Lord, being faithful as always, provided His help every time. So, I believed that with His help, I would be able to accomplish it just as I achieved all other goals.  

    However, I couldn’t publish the book that I wrote. Nothing worked out for the vision I had. I was confused. It seemed like I was doing the right thing, and I couldn’t understand why I did not have a blessing to fulfill my vision.

    I was perplexed. Then, through the Holy Scriptures, the Lord began working with my motives and my heart. One day I realized I had to make a choice: to go in the direction of aiming to achieve my selfish ambitions or surrender to God’s will and do what He wants me to do.

    I had an understanding that this choice would direct my future and, ultimately, my destiny. Following the Lord’s will was a different path than a career in the success/personal development industry. I knew I was standing at a crossroads, and I had a choice.

    What choice you will make?

    I was pondering on that thought. My ideas were going back and forth because I knew it would be tough to juggle between the two worlds. I was eager and committed to bringing the Lord’s glory and making a difference in people’s lives. And I was thrilled about the Success industry, which is a high-paid career and an uplifting world to be engaged in. But from my observations, there is no place for Jesus there; the spiritual aspect of life is all about meditation. For some reason, prayer and Jesus Christ is automatically rejected by many, calling it a “religion,” while mediation is a practice of Buddhism and Hinduism religion, but nobody rejects it. So I was juggling with it and was not sure what to do.

    It was early morning; while waiting for my bus to work. One moment a thought came to me, a few words from a Bible verse. I found that verse on my Bible app and began reading.

    “Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” Mark 8:34-38 NLT

    I knew the Lord was speaking to me. He knew what was going on in my heart and talked to me. The word of God settled it. I knew without hesitation which path I would choose: fulfill my promise to the Lord.

    After I surrendered my path to God’s will for my life, I had an understanding in my spirit as though someone was explaining to me the upcoming change: the Lord and I were driving in the car. I was in a driver’s seat, and Jesus was by my side, in the passenger’s seat. Jesus said, “All this time you were stirring the wheel of your life, going in life where you wanted to go, and I was right here with you, helping you to get where you want to arrive. Now, we will change places. Now I will be in a driver’s seat, and you will go with me where I will drive you, and you will help me fulfill My will here.”

     “Yes, Lord. I give up all my ambitions; I don’t want any of that if You are not there. Show me what I need to do and where to go, and I will,” in my spirit, I agreed.   

    That moment, I felt how peace filled me. With that, there was a great sense of security, safety. I knew I had made the right choice.

    When I aligned my vision with God’s will for my life

    Since then, my life has changed quite radically. When I surrendered my path to the Lord, I had a new vision built on different motives and did not have selfish ambitions. So I began asking myself a different question: Lord, what do YOU want me to do?

    And then, the Lord began showering me with His gifts. First, he provided the editor (one of the best copywriters/editors who came to my workplace to work with me on a project). Then, the Lord inspired a person to make a gift of $10,000 as funds to publish my book. Then, He provided the new home where I have multiple places proper for videos, professional video equipment for recording videos, and a professional editing program (which I am learning how to use and love it!). Fourth, He provided a wheelchair-accessible vehicle.

    And most of all, the Lord connected me with a friend who became like my sister and is my partner in purpose, supporting me in my mission. With that, with my new friend, the Lord gave me her family, who loves me and accepted me into their circle, and now I have a new family here in the USA, while my real family is in Lithuania.

    When you are on the right path, all things come together. I am not saying there won’t be any challenges. What I am saying – when your vision and your intentions are aligned with God’s will for your life – God works with you and provides everything you need. Even if challenges and obstacles arise – the Lord will provide help. When you appear in a situation without a way out – the Lord will make the way.

    The critical question is – when you set your vision and your goals, who is at the center of it all?

    The best and the safest place to be – it is God’s will! Be there.

    More blog articles:

    Testimony of Supernatural Healing

    TESTIMONY: “He fulfills the desire of those who fear him…”

    Important Aspect Of Powerful Prayer Of Faith

    In my book “Unstoppable. It’s a Choice” you can learn my full story-testimony, which is an inspiring story of overcoming adversity and a story of the journey of faith trusting God in difficult times. I also coach and share practical tools to empower you to be strong and unstoppable in your personal journey. The book can be your personal daily coach!

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    Posted by on January 13, 2022 in Uncategorized


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    How I transformed my feelings from broken-hearted to inspired

    At the end of each year, I have a tradition to go over the entire year analyzing events that occurred and experiences I have had. Yes, it does take discipline to make the time for it, but it’s so worth it. I want to share something that helped me see the good in what initially seemed bad.

    It gives me a positive outlook, no matter how difficult the experience was.

    It’s easy to be pleased with your year when those experiences are pleasant and have attained successful results. But it’s not that easy when you’ve had struggles and challenges.

    I believe it was the end of 2013 or 2014 when I felt so bad about my year and my life in general. I had pretty troublesome experiences in my personal life, did not attain the goals that I set to achieve, and everything seemed not the way it should be. I felt like a whole year was wasted. I felt empty. Failed. It felt that the Lord was very distant, as though I wandered off away from Him and my purpose.

    Keeping up my tradition to write my reflection about the year, I took one evening off to be with myself. But this time, instead of just overviewing what happened during the year, I looked at my life from a different perspective.

    I took a viewpoint of an observer and asked myself questions:

    • What was the purpose behind this experience?
    • What the Lord was doing through it all, what was He teaching me?
    • Since the word of God says that God turns all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28), I asked myself, “What good can I see in this?”

    When I looked at my life from that perspective, the amazing thing began happening within me. As I was writing about one experience after another, behind it all, I saw the blessing after blessing! I saw a lot of value in each event, turn, and trial!

    The change in personal life was definitely for my good; it would have been worse if the change didn’t happen. The goal that was not attained (to publish my book) – was for the better because I realized that the book was not complete yet, and I needed to work on it more. My feeling of failure about not attaining my goal turned into gratitude! And all those elements that made me feel like things were not the way they were supposed to be – yes, they were perfectly aligned, and yes, they needed to be there.

    I saw how through those difficulties, the Lord was working with my heart. He was not distant, but precisely the opposite – He was right there with me, molding me into the person I needed to become and preparing me for the future.

    As I was writing about my year from a new perspective, I saw the incredible work that the Lord did through those circumstances that seemed terrible to me. Imagine the airplane has a route to its destination. The pilot looks at the compass and sees that the plane is slightly off course. The shift might be very slight, nearly to the point that it’s not worth worrying about because it wouldn’t make any significant difference. But what if the pilot would not make any changes and let the plane continue flying slightly off course? The shift might be unnoticeable at first. But after thousands of miles, that airplane would be totally off course. The arrival would be far away from the destination it was supposed to arrive.

    That’s what I saw in my life; the arrow of my compass was slightly shifted off the course. I spent a long time re-evaluating everything, and by changing my aspirations and intentions behind them, I brought back my arrow to the course of my purpose in life.

    When I finished writing about my year from that new perspective, I felt uplifted, inspired, and eager to see what was next. The way I saw myself as a failure and my year as a wasted time was a lie. Not true. It wasn’t easy to live through that challenging year, but now I saw that this time changed me from within and my direction in life. I was so grateful to see what was hidden behind the “failure”!

    I realized how important it is to be in charge of your perspective and take your thoughts captive.

    As I review my 2021, I can say that this was quite a challenging year. (Not because of covid and worldwide events or economic struggle) But looking at it from a different perspective, I see it was a valuable year. I already see many good things through those difficult experiences. Experiences that I went through, things that I realized, lessons I’ve learned, and the changes that took place will make a big difference in the future.

    Again I see that the Lord indeed turns all things work together for good. We only need to be steadfast and remain faithful to what we’ve been entrusted to accomplish.

    Please don’t allow the enemy to convince you that his lies are true. Instead, look at yourself and your life from a different perspective, through the word of God. See what processes were going on behind the circumstances. I believe you will see a lot of good.

    Blessings to you. I hope my experience made a difference in your journey.

    I am wishing you a delightful Holiday Season!

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    Posted by on December 15, 2021 in Uncategorized


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    How I received supernatural freedom from incurable pain and opioid medication

    How I received supernatural freedom from incurable pain and opioid medication

    I am experiencing one of the biggest miracles in my life. And, I want to share with you a testimony of supernatural freedom from severe incurable pain and opioid pain medication. This is a long post, but I hope this message will bring hope to you and will add some value to your life.

    Even though I lost my legs in a car accident, I have a sensation as if I do have legs. For over 10 years I was suffering from pain in my feet, which is called phantom pain. It seemed as if lightning strikes hit into my feet. The shots of pain were so sudden and violent that my body jumped, pierced by sharp pain. It was excruciating.

    I have learned to live with daily never-ending pain in my paralyzed arm, but the phantom pain was something I could not tolerate. The doctor said there is no cure for it. I started taking pain medication Vicodin (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) to get temporary relief from pain. Pain medication did help with the pain and it even gave me a little boost of energy (which I liked, I admit) but little did I know what I stepped into…

    Over time, my body got used to this medication and it no longer helped with the pain. So I received a prescription for a much stronger pain reliever, Norco. Slowly but surely, medication pulled me into a trap of the addiction to the pain-relievers. From taking one pill a day I ended up taking 6-8 pills a day of 10 mg/325 mg Norco drug just to be able to function. Furthermore, after some time Norco also was no longer strong enough to knock down the pain.

    When I realized the horrible effect that medication had in my life and I did a research about this type of medication, I faced a terrifying fact: these were a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin.

    After reading online about the experiences of others in this matter, I think for the first time I felt frightened about my life. The opioid medication was the only option for me to handle the pain (alternative medications and acupuncture did not help), but this option had only one direction – to a deeper addiction which led thousands of people to illegal drugs and a life of drug addiction.

    What did I get myself into?! How to get out of this?

    There was no way out.

    This kind of pain is not curable and it actually only intensified over time. Quite frankly, the pain and taking medication became such a usual part of my life that it just became a part of me; I forgot what it looked like to live without pain and without medication. I did not have enough faith that prayer can help. So I did not even pray about it.

    One day, as I was going home from work, I took a pill. I realized it was the 8thNorco pill that I just took in one day. It horrified me. I felt drowsy and spaced out. I hated that feeling. And the pain attacks didn’t go anywhere. Since Norco no longer helped with the pain, I had to either increase the daily dosage or go on stronger medication. But I was so afraid of stronger medication…. I felt hopeless. I just didn’t know what to do. In my mind, I began calling out to God… as a drowning person reaches out the hand to grab the last straw.

    In a moment, memories came to me of times when I received supernatural healing after the prayer and many other incredible testimonies of the Lord’s help. Jesus was my only hope. After returning home, feeling total despair I cried to Jesus Christ. I just had nowhere to go. I asked Him to break the chains of pain and addiction and to free me from this invisible prison.

    The impossible becomes true

    Right on the next day, I received my answer. Totally unexpectedly I was invited to join a bible homegroup. There severe pain shots began attacking me, and my fellows began praying for me. And, to my big astonishment, after the prayer, the pain shots stopped, just like in a story when the storm calmed down when Jesus commanded it to be quiet. I couldn’t believe that what I experienced was real!

    Since then, after many years of pain and dependency on narcotic medication trap, I began my journey toward my freedom. It was probably one of the hardest things I had to do. When I would not take medication, it seemed like someone was breaking my bones, tearing apart all my organs inside. At times it felt as though someone was pulling my soul out of me. I couldn’t do any work, couldn’t sit still, couldn’t rest, and couldn’t sleep. In addition, returning pain shots made it nearly impossible to stay away from the medication.

    At times, after the prayer, the pain would stop, and at times the pain would persist regardless. Often taking the pill was an easy way out. Thus, the stronghold of returning pain and both mental and physical addiction kept me in this endless roller coaster. For the last five years, it’s been an ongoing battle.

    In the beginning of June of 2020, I felt so tired of this ongoing battle between bondage and my strive to have freedom… As I was thinking about it, I heard/felt this gentle and yet clear and lousd voice within: if you are going to continue taking medication, you will not be able to fulfill your calling. Now you have a choice: to continue and jeopardize your purpose or by faith completely surrender yourself and this matter to the Lord and trust God to help you with pain and with withdrawals.

    I knew that I was at crossroads – the choice that I was going to make would determine the further direction of my path. My future depended on my choice.

    Just a thought of withdrawals made me sick. I’ve tried to quit medication multiple times and I was never able to. But I knew this had to stop. So I made the decision to trust God with it all. I already witnessed tremendous power in the name of Jesus Christ, and I decided to fight this battle on my knees.

    That night was a sleepless night. Phantom pain like electricity shock relentlessly attacked me throughout the night. I got up feeling exhausted. Overwhelmed. Pain relentlessly continued to the point of me saying I could no longer endure it.

    I got angry. The pain attacks suddenly became even more vicious than ever before just when I decided to stop taking medication! My anger fueled a determination to be relentless in my prayer of faith. I went into my office and began praying. When I rebuked the pain in Jesus Christ’s name – the pain stopped. It was just gone right after the prayer.

    It was so clear – this battle can be won only in the name of Jesus Christ. The narcotic medication would only lead me to destruction. Freedom will come only through faith and the power of the name of Jesus Christ.

    There was one thing though that I was concerned about – agonizing physical withdrawals. I was so tired from going back and forth… I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle it all over again.

    On the next day, there was a Friday prayer night at Flame of Fire Ministry, and my friend and I decided to join them. I wanted to spend time in prayer. While I was praying in Spirit, I felt the change within me. Instead of concern about withdrawals, I felt growing determination and strength to withstand it, and my faith surrendering to God this matter was getting stronger. I felt total resolve seeing it as being done and over.

    At the end of prayer night, leaders asked the attendees if there is someone who would like to be prayed for. At first, I wanted to ask for prayer, but then I stopped myself. I felt shy. “I will just go into my room and continue praying as I did,“ I thought.

    After they prayed for others and were about to dismiss the crowd, one of the leaders came up to the front and said “The Holy Spirit says to me that there is someone here in the room who needs freedom from the bondage. Someone, who is really tired from going back and forth. We can pray for you to end this, so you finally can have the freedom that you want.”

    Needless to say, my eyes were full of tears! It was me.

    Father knew. The Lord heard my cry, and He broke the shackles and delivered me from the invisible prison. Since then, I never went back to medication.

    Remember, it’s a battle

    First I had to face a battle though, which had a lesson for me. For the next several days, at times the pain did show up. But, instead of medication, I chose to handle it with the prayer of faith and through the power of the name of Jesus Christ. After several days, the pain shots went away.

    Withdrawals came along as well. They weren’t as bad as they normally were. At times though, I wished somebody would get me out of my own body. Nevertheless, I was determined. In those times, in my mind, the verse kept coming to me “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7  And, like never before, I had the endurance to withstand withdrawals. After several more days, they also went away.

    For more than 10 years, there has not been a day that I did not feel the lightning strikes of phantom pain, and neither painkillers, nor alternative medicines, nor acupuncture helped – THESE DAILY PAINS ARE GONE! For more than 10 years I could not live a day without opioid drugs, and now almost four months have passed – I HAVE NEVER TAKEN THESE PAINKILLERS!

    I want to take the opportunity and thank my church “Hand of Help” in San Francisco and every single person who prayed for me. This was a long and strenuous battle. Especially, I want to thank Aleksandr Kolesnikov, who taught me about faith and the power of prayer and who prayed for me countless times. The first battle is won, Aleksandr!

    Lord knows our hearts and true intentions. He knows our hardships and battles. Even if it may seem to us that there is no way out of the situation we are in, God always has a way. And, He hears the cry of those who call out upon His name for help with a sincere heart. He comes to help us and He is never late. So, if you feel trapped in a certain situation, call out to God. Faith in God and prayer is not a ‘religion’ that many views with an ironic mockery. Faith and prayer have great power beyond our comprehension. And it can give you what the world does not have and cannot give.

    Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. (Psalm 50:15)

    Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3)

    If you feel discouraged because you did not receive your answer, keep persisting. Resist the enemy and doubts. Remember that it is the battle. Jesus has already won the battle, we just have to take back what the enemy has stolen.

    My best wishes to you, be safe and blessed!

    In my book “UNSTOPPABLE. It’s a Choice” you can learn my full story-testimony, which is an inspiring story of overcoming adversity and transforming life in spite of all odds. This book is about a living God who can restore the broken, heal the deepest wounds of a soul, and transform one’s life no matter how desperate the situation is. The story is about resolve and relentless perseverance that can break through the insurmountable stumbling blocks. The story is about the power of resilience that can lift you up and carry you forward no matter how tired you are or how many times you fall. It is about God’s immeasurable mercy and grace even if you make a horrible, unpardonable mistake. 

    Finally, this book is about THE POWER OF DECISIONS that are made by us, once we stand at the CROSSROADS OF A CHOICE.

    In May of 2018, “UNSTOPPABLE. It’s a Choice” received two Honorable Mentions in Biography/Autobiography and Spiritual/Religion categories in the San Francisco Book Festival 2018, which honors the best books of the spring.

    “UNSTOPPABLE. It’s a Choice”  can be purchased on Amazon:

    For more testimonies, please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel:

    Steady in the Midst of the Storm: Inga’s testimony

    3 Testimonies of God’s help and lessons that empower ~ My trip to Lithuania in March’20


    Posted by on October 20, 2020 in Uncategorized


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    Important Aspect Of Powerful Prayer Of Faith

    “I believe, but I don’t understand why there is no answer to my prayer,” in my thoughts I still heard these words and saw the disappointment in his eyes while I prayed for one person’s need.

    While praying, I had an insight that it was necessary for him to change the way of thinking and approach to the prayer. It inspires me to share with you about one important aspect of faith and prayer. It that has brought many answers to my prayers and has greatly strengthened my personal walk of faith.                                   

    When we are in this kind of a mindset, disappointment comes. And there is only a step away from the doubt … and, unbelief is right there, like a shadow. In the end, doubt and unbelief jeopardize our prayer. (James 1: 6-7 ” But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord.”)

    Instead of asking why God does not answer, assert your faith in your mind and speech. Say that you believe and trust the Lord regardless of what is actually happening at the moment. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

    Abraham did not waver in the promises of God. Opposite, he remained firm in the faith and gave glory to God. It’s amazing that he did not even consider realistic facts. Abraham was fully convinced that God was able to fulfill His promise, even if it was physically impossible. Sarah accepted the power to conceive and gave birth to a child because she knew that God was true to his promise. (Romans 4: 18-22, Hebrews 11:11)

    In prayer, ask God for revelation for you and His word of direction for your situation. Instead of frustration and anxiety, proclaim who your God is. Assert your faith: “You are Jehovah-Rapha – God who heals body and soul. You are El Shaddai – God Almighty, You have absolute power over everything. You are powerful and true to Your word. I know that with You everything is possible and there comes a day when my answer will be here physically. Father, I know that my situation is in Your hands and You will take care of everything. Lead me unto the path that I must walk in, direct everything in my life according to Your will. I trust You. I know that I will not be ashamed because You say in Your word that those who wait on You will not be ashamed.”

    In your conversations with others, instead of talking about how big the problem is and how you do not understand where God is and why there is no answer, speak the words that affirm your faith. “The problem is big, BUT I know that my God is greater than any problem. God has an answer and there is nothing impossible for Him. Circumstances are subject to Him, and He can change any situation. People’s hearts are in the hands of the Lord, like rivers of water: He turns it wherever He wishes. He has times and seasons for everything. God never sleeps and He is never late. I know that my Lord will take care of everything and I live in expectation of the answer from Him.“

    Now I remember, that’s exactly how I was thinking and praying in the darkest situations and hopeless circumstances. Instead of anxiety and doubt, I was asserting my faith and confidence in the Lord. I approached the problem from the side of total conviction that God could do anything and He would help me. My faith became confidence/knowledge that with the help of the Lord I would overcome everything and troubles were going to be resolved. And, I stated this both in my mind and in words.

    The answers did not come immediately. But, I continued to assert that God, in whom I believe, is omnipotent, and I wait upon Him. I expect help from Him. Now, when I look back, I see that every need, which I confidently believed that God would help with, has been answered. I received answers despite the fact that those were the times of total hopelessness. Realistically, it seemed impossible to improve them. Moreover, the more difficult the situation was, the more amazing the testimony is of how the Lord brought me out of difficulties.

    The Lord put desires in my heart to achieve certain goals, encouraged me to take some measures and initiate action for change. He created new opportunities and opened a way out where there was none. The Lord put me in favor of many people I’ve met and inspired many to help me. He gave me the ability, strength, endurance and perseverance to achieve goals. God blessed everything I did. He took care of me and provided everything that I needed. And He was never late. Never.

    If you catch yourself dwelling on disappointment and questioning why God doesn’t answer and whether prayer can help at all – start changing your approach to the problem and to the prayer. Build your faith not on your own understanding of whether it is possible to solve your problem, but on who your God is – He is almighty and He is faithful to His word/promise. (Romans 4:18-22, Hebrews 11:11)

    Instead of doubts and endless questions “God why …”, ASSERT the FAITH that you believe and completely trust God no matter what. PROCLAIM who your God is. Proclaim the word from the Holy Scriptures, your victory over problems and diseases, and you will see the power of the prayer of faith.

    “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 (ESV)

    “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27 (ESV)

    “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” Proverbs 21:1 (ESV)

    “‘Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.” Jeremiah 32:17 (ESV)

    “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Genesis 18:14 (ESV)

    “…Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who wait for me shall not be put to shame.” Isaiah 49:23 (ESV)

    Be steadfast in faith. Be unstoppable.


    In my book “Unstoppable. It’s a Choice” you can learn my full story-testimony, which is an inspiring story of overcoming adversity and transforming life in spite of all odds. This book is about a living God who can restore the broken, heal the deepest wounds of a soul, and transform one’s life no matter how desperate the situation is. The story is about resolve and relentless perseverance that can break through the insurmountable stumbling blocks. The story is about the power of resilience that can lift you up and carry you forward no matter how tired you are or how many times you fall. It is about God’s immeasurable mercy and grace even if you make a horrible, unpardonable mistake.  Finally, this book is about the power of decisions that are made by us, once we stand at the crossroads of a choice.

    In May of 2018, “UNSTOPPABLE. It’s a Choice” received two Honorable Mentions in Biography/Autobiography and Spiritual/Religion categories in the San Francisco Book Festival 2018, which honors the best books of the spring.

    My book can be purchased on Amazon:

    3 Testimonies of God’s help and lessons that empower ~ My trip to Lithuania in March’20

    Do you Feel FRUSTRATED about your circumstances? My testimony

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    Posted by on September 25, 2020 in Uncategorized


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    TESTIMONY: The Lord has the power to bless you under any circumstance. What’s required of us is to be faithful.

    TESTIMONY:  The Lord has the power to bless you under any circumstance. What’s required of us is to be faithful.

    I am inspired to share a testimony that surprised me once again and also taught me a lesson.

    Back in early July, due to very hot weather and very cold air conditioner (bad combination!!!), I caught a really bad cold. Each time I took a breath I had pain in the trachea, and when I wanted to take a deeper breath – I had pain and began coughing, and as soon as I started to speak – I had coughing fits. I could not say even one sentence without interruption of coughing!

    Soon after, I was invited to participate in an online conference that was planned in a few weeks. I agreed to participate being sure that in a couple of weeks I would be well. I got better over time, but I couldn’t speak still. I waited until the last moment and did not cancel my participation, as I did not want to let the organizer down and expected my health to improve.

    But when I got up on the morning of the day of the conference, I could hardly speak. And at midnight I had to speak for 30 minutes non-stop. How? God, how am I going to speak for half an hour, if I can’t say even a simple sentence without coughing fits?

    I already thought that maybe it’s better for me not to participate at all. I just couldn’t imagine what it would be like when the speaker can’t even say one thought without coughing. I wrote to the organizer of the conference about my health and said that I would leave it up to her to decide whether it’s better to cancel my participation or leave it as planned.

    The organizer said that it was impossible to cancel my participation and I absolutely needed to be there and that she would pray with her church for my health. Then, at that moment, my friend Svetlana wrote to me asking about my health, and I asked her and the group to pray.

    This was one of those times when there was no one to rely on other than supernatural help from the Lord. I said, “Lord, if you want me to participate, then You yourself make a miracle, remove the cough so that I can speak and convey the message that You inspired me to share.”

    The conference time came, I was introduced and I began to speak. And, the miracle was happening right as I was speaking – while I was sharing my message, I realized that there were no coughing fits! I was able to speak without coughing! Furthermore, I even spoke in a full voice as much as I could, which is incredible, because for almost a month, when I took a deeper breath or tried to speak in a full voice, I had such coughing fits that it was even hard to stop them. AMAZING!

    Lessons I’ve learned:

    ~ If something bad is going on in your life for some time – do not take it as a norm, do not agree with it and don’t accept it, but call out to God no matter how big the problem is or how likely it is that you will get an answer. Ask others to pray for you. God can do a miracle even at the last moment.

    ~ If you don’t feel well or something prevents you from doing something, do not break your decision saying that something is in a way, that there are obstacles that prevent you from following through your commitment. Call out to God. The Lord has the power to bless you under any circumstance. What is required from us is obedience to the Lord and faithfulness. 

    Praise be to God, I am well, no more coughing fits.:-)

    Be blessed! ~Inga

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    Posted by on August 4, 2020 in Uncategorized


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    How God showed He has the final word, not the circumstances. He can change any circumstances.

    I feel inspired to share this amazing testimony here with you. Maybe someone needs to hear this to feel encouraged and be strengthened in faith. No matter what your situation looks like right now, trust that circumstances, people’s hearts, and every situation are in God’s power.

    When my friend & associate Anzhelika and I met several years ago, she lived 80 miles away from me. Every weekend she made a long trip to Sonoma County to visit me; often her trip took 3-3.5 hrs due to traffic. After a while, when we began considering about having her move to Sonoma County, I went to my apartments manager to ask about the availability of a 2-bedroom apartment on the first floor.

    The manager said there were no apartments available, and there would be no openings in the near future. I knew though, if there was Father’s will that we would move in together, the Lord could re-arrange the availability. So Anzhelika and I began praying for God to make an apartment available for us if there was truly His will for us to live together. In my prayer, I also​ shared with the Lord ​how much I wished to see sunsets from my home window​, and asked Him ​​to arrange an apartment that would have at least one room’s windows facing the West​, if possible.​

    Well? 🙂 Despite manager’s assurance that there wouldn’t be any availability in a year or two, in 2 weeks one apartment became available for new tenants – 2-bedroom apartment on the first floor! And, it had ALL windows facing the west.

    We love our new home!

    God has the final word, not the circumstances. He can change any circumstances. If something seems impossible, before you accept it as truth, first get down on the knees of your heart before the Lord. He is powerful, He can change your situation. When there is Father’s will for something – He will make it happen regardless of actual facts that you are facing right now.

    “ Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-8  (ESV)

    But Jesus looked at them and said,  “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (ESV)

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    Posted by on August 2, 2019 in Uncategorized


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    My Covenant I Will Not Break, Nor Alter The Word That Has Gone Out Of My Lips. Psalm 89:34

    God’s Word… it’s a letter filled with His promises to all who believe. When I began reading the Bible and learning about God’s promises I was in amazement at what He has prepared for us in order for us to have a fulfilling life. The big change happened in me and my life when in my prayer I began proclaiming these promises. When I didn’t know how to pray because my own words seemed so insignificant, I prayed the way it’s written in His Word. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by the devil He said, “It is written…” and the devil had nothing to say in return and could not say anything against the Word of God. I can say to any problem, sickness, struggle, addiction, stronghold, etc. “It is written…” and I too, can overcome and have that which I proclaim.

    It’s not about how many verses I have memorized. It’s about whether I believe what God says to me in the verses that I already know. I ponder over each word, I soak them in, I make them part of who I am. Christ lives in me and His word must live within me and pour out of me.

    God’s promises became my comfort, my sturdy rock, my sword, my faith of what is and what is to come. Our God the Father and Jesus will not break their promises and will not change what they had said. I can place my confidence and hope in the Lord and in His Holy Scriptures. I PRAY:

    Father, Your Word is true and Your promises stand forever. You never change and I can always rely on You. In Your Word, You say that You are the one who goes before me. You are always with me, you will not leave me or forsake me. That is why I will not be afraid or be discouraged. You say that if I rely on You Lord I will renew my strength. I will rise up with wings like eagles, I will run and will not be weary, and I will walk and will not get tired. No matter what troubles are happening in my life right now, I know You will deliver me from them because You have said that the righteous have many sorrows, but You deliver him from all of them. I submit to you God and resist the devil and he flees from me. Jesus, you have made me free, and I am truly free! I am Your child and You have called me according to Your purpose. I know that all things work together for my good because You have called me and I love you, Lord. I praise You and I honor You with my life. Thank you, Jesus, for everything You have done for me and for all You will do. I pray in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

    But those who wait on the Lord, Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

    Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. Psalms 34:19 (NKJV)

    Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7 (NKJV)

    Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36 (NKJV)

    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 New King James Version (NKJV)

    ~ Anzhelika, Becoming Unstoppable team

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    Posted by on May 2, 2019 in Uncategorized


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    By faith. Faith is the key that opens the door. Faith is the bridge that connects us to God. Faith is what brings answers to our prayers. As a car without gas will not go anywhere, so a prayer without faith will not bear fruit.

    I attended church for several years and heard many sermons about faith, but I learned to have unshakable faith only after a car accident, when I began to change my way of thinking and decided to rely on God and act based on my faith.

    When I lost almost half of my body in a car accident, I found myself in a total despair. My family and friends showered me with unconditional love, but there was a dark hopelessness when it came to my future. Since my home city did not have any wheelchair access, losing my legs meant losing my independence and my life. At that point, I had no other choice but to have the faith like a child that God could do the impossible, and I began to live by faith. That’s when I began putting my faith into practice. My faith grew when I did not just hear or read about it, but when I began thinking and acting according to my faith. And I started seeing how the answers to my prayers were being fulfilled in an absolutely incredible way.

    One of the highest values ​​I have gained through hopelessness and difficulties is that they taught me to trust God and rely on Him more than on anything else, and therefore my faith has become stronger than ever before.

    Now I accept every difficult situation as an opportunity to see the power of God and experience how He arranges everything in a precise order and timeline.

    This week I am inspired to share one of my last testimonies and talk about faith. This testimony is connected with other testimonies that I have had over the years, which show how, according to my faith, the Lord has provided what I needed and when I needed it. Since I lost my legs in a car accident, I need to move in a wheelchair. Electric wheelchairs in the United States cost from $3,000 to $10,000 and even up to $30,000, and this is how the Lord took care of this need when I did not have that kind of money to buy a wheelchair and did not have medical insurance to obtain it. We recorded a video when this testimony took place; watch the video!

    This video is about only one aspect of my life. Throughout the years, the Lord provided and took care of me in every aspect of my life. When 14 years ago I decided to leave my home country of Lithuania and fly to California to establish my life in the USA, people asked me how I would be able independently move around in the city in a manual wheelchair (it’s very hard when you can operate only with one hand), where I would live, where I would work, and in general, how I would survive there while my family is across the globe in Europe. I did not have answers to any of those questions. I said, “I will know the answers when I am already there.” I trusted that the Lord would provide everything I needed.

    Many say “you are so brave,” but the truth is that it’s not that I am just naturally brave. My courage comes from fully trusting God. I relied on Him having absolutely no doubts. My mindset was not “I will see IF I can establish my life there” but “I will see HOW I can.”

    I did not hope. I knew.

    For many years, the Lord took care of me in an amazing way. In addition to my physical limitations, I also had no place to live, no money, no work, and no guarantees at all to establish my life in the USA, and I was never homeless, I’ve never had to look for work and I’ve never had the lack of what I needed; everything came to me at the time when it was needed.  I was always surrounded by wonderful people and my friends’ circle rapidly grew. When I needed assistance with getting a ride or any other need, people graciously offered their help.

    Also, I’ve never lost my job, even when in 2008 the USA had suffered a big economic crisis and countless people were losing their jobs and homes. It seemed that economic crisis like a tornado was sweeping everything it found on its way and it passed by me and never came even close to me. The Lord protected me from any disease, flu epidemics or harm.

    My life is full of examples when various situations were solved inexplicably. Maybe someone will say “this is a coincidence,” but there are no such incredible coincidences, and there are so many of them that then I can say that my whole life is a great coincidence. I am confident that our faith creates these so-called random coincidences.

    Our prayer and unwavering faith is a great power that can do the impossible. I completely trusted my God, was unshakable in faith and waited for the answer, even when it seemed that circumstances were absolutely hopeless. Of course, I did not sit idly just dreaming about a good life. I always persevered, made relentless efforts and worked hard to achieve my goals. But it is my God who has given me the inner strength, wisdom, favorable circumstances and the ability to create the life that I have now.

    I have tears of joy in my eyes while I write this for you. Heavenly Father cares for those who believe in Him.

     Mark 9:23: Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

    Philippians 4:6: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

    The Lord knows it all. He knows what is necessary for you. He knows the deepest pain of your heart. He knows your every thought. He comes on time and He is never late. Only we need to have unshakable faith and trust / rely on the Lord.


     I could never understand what it meant to trust God until I found myself in a hopeless situation, and instead of succumbing to fear, doubt and depression, I decided to trust God with all my essence – with my heart and my mind. No matter what the real facts were around me, and what people told me, I still hoped for God to deliver me out of despair. I counted on God, as a child relies on his dad. It was a conscious decision to trust in the Lord. And I waited and expected for His response, no matter what.

    As I was anticipating for the answer from the Lord, I began paying attention to how I felt and what was happening in my life after my prayers. And, I began to notice the change. Sometimes I was inspired to do something and acted upon my inspiration, and it led me to new opportunities. Sometimes other people influenced my situation and it created new circumstances and possibilities. Every change had its own sequence of actions and events, but the fact was right before me and I couldn’t deny it – I began seeing answers to my prayers! As it’s written in Psalm 37:3 “…Feed on His faithfulness,” I held in my heart how He would answer my requests and blessed me, my faith grew and I began being confident in the Lord more and more. Thus, I have learned to trust the Lord. With time my faith was developing. And no matter what circumstances I was going through, the Lord was always faithful. My confidence in the Lord never failed me.

    Faith in God is not some superficial thoughts of some mystical power called God, who is somewhere high up looking at everyone and, perhaps, will help, or maybe not. The prayer of faith is not a superficial prayer as a mere ritual, while you are full of doubt, fear or anticipation of something bad to happen. Many have such faith, but it doesn’t do any good and such prayer does not bring any changes. In fact, quite often opposite happens – you get what you’re afraid of, as it’s written in Psalm 37: 8 “…Do not fret – it only causes harm.”

    Trust in God is a mindset of the full confidence in the Lord allowing no doubt, no matter what is actually going on around you. Trusting the Lord / confidence in the Lord is an inner state of complete peace and confidence that your God will take care of you.

    Faith is a certain way of thinking when you have a clear conscious understanding that our physical realm depends on the spiritual realm, and when you bring your need to God in the name of Jesus, there are changes in the spiritual world, and it will be manifested in the physical world.

    Prayer is not a superficial ritual for you to feel better. Prayer of faith in the name of Jesus Christ has the power to change you and your circumstances.

    There is a big difference between “Believe that God exists” and “Trust the Lord.” In other words, believing that God exists and trusting God/relying on Him, are two completely different things. When you have a close person in your life, who loves you very much, and whom you trust completely, and who you can rely on – what does it feel like when it comes to your connection with this person, what are your expectations from this relationship? You know that you can always count on this person, right? It’s the same with trusting God. It’s when you not only believe that God exists, but you count on Him, even if you do not see Him. To trust God is a choice. It’s a decision. And you can trust Him, because He does not change, He is faithful to his word.


    Many people are very quick to give up on their faith in God when, after the prayer, they do not get the answer they want. They come to the conclusion that God does not hear, does not answer, and that generally it’s pointless to pray at all, because prayer does not make any changes.

    Many prefer not to hope too much so they don’t get disappointed if this does not happen. For many years I also had this kind of a mindset, because disappointments are very painful. But I learned that by doubting I can become my own enemy! We must make efforts to resist thoughts of doubts and anxieties and hold on tight to faith, because our doubts can jeopardize our ability to receive the answer to our prayer.

    But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. ”(James 1: 6-7)

    Faith is not “I hope so …” and it is not “Well, maybe… we’ll see …” And faith has nothing to do with “If …” or how realistic it is to have what we pray for.

     Faith is the absolute certainty that the Lord will give the answer, no matter what the situation is.

    Faith is an inner knowledge and, finally, an absolute conviction, when you can say to yourself without a doubt: “It doesn’t matter that I have no idea how this can be solved.

    But I know that my God is powerful, nothing is impossible for Him, and He will take care of everything.”


    Just believing and believing with expectation are two different things. Faith with expectation is when you are absolutely sure that you will receive the answer, and this is just a matter of time. Since you do not know when this will happen, you expect a response any day, any time.

      Suppose you believe that your friends or family members will come to visit you at some point. But how would you feel if they told you that they have bought tickets already, and everything is ready for the trip, but they won’t say when they will come, because they want to surprise you? You will not only believe that they will come, but you will also expect their arrival, because they can call you on any day and say: “We are already in your city, see you soon!”

    When you live in expectation, your faith moves to another level. 

    This is the faith that brought incredible answers into my life.

    Be strong. Be steadfast in faith. Those who trust in the Lord will not be ashamed!

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    Posted by on April 8, 2019 in Uncategorized


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