Monthly Archives: March 2012

It is not the event that has the power to determine your future…

I will never forget that beautiful sunny day, when I realized that if I do not like the way it is now – I can change it. Nothing – no accident, difficulties due to my changed physical condition, or any other problems – can determine how I feel and how I will continue my life journey. This is my life, and what it will be like depends on me, and not on other people, events or some occurred circumstances. Yes, the accident created those desperate circumstances, but I could change them by taking initiative and action that will create different circumstances. I don’t have to settle for the way it is, and I believe that with God’s help I am going to get out of this horrible place in my life.

That moment something happened within me. I felt strong and determined to change my life conditions. I had a strong desire to be connected with people, work, travel and be useful to others, and that moment I knew that this was exactly how I will live. Without any more waiting or hesitation I decided to take initiative and start making changes to get myself out of the dead-end. I was living in unbearable emotional pain for so long that I just could not stand it anymore. I hated my suddenly changed position and this endless pain so much that I was ready to do everything I could do to return to change it all. It did not matter to me how much work and efforts it would cost me. But I knew that I was not going to settle for “disabled lifestyle”. My decision and determination was absolutely non-negotiable. I clearly realized that nothing was going to just happen if I sit and do nothing to make it happen. I knew I had to take initiative in order to implement the vision I had for my life. If I am going to be idle – the circumstances will shape my life, and it was not going to be the life that I desired. So I identified what my goals were to move toward the vision and how I was going to reach them. And…I took action. I held the vision of how I want to live, and consistently worked toward my goal.

Today I literally live my dream that seemed nearly impossible. The goals and the standards that I set for myself transformed my life from not being able to do anything independently to travelling across the world by myself and building my life all over again in a foreign country. I do live a full active and meaningful life.

… And it all started that moment, when I realized that my further life does not really depend on the accident and its consequences, but on what I was going to do from that moment.

By writing about this I want to share this lesson and experience with you, who took the moment to read. It is not the event that has the power to determine your future, but what you are going to do about it. Know that you can change your current circumstances if you are not happy with it. Current circumstances were created by your own earlier made choices or some occurred events that you could not control. Same way, by making certain choices and taking action you can create different circumstances. Your life is in your hands, not in the hands of your circumstances. Your choice of what you are going to do about it from now on will determine your future events, and finally maybe even your destiny.

Do not allow the circumstances be in charge. YOU take charge of them and your life! Nothing is impossible for those, who have faith. It might look impossible, but with God all things are possible. God bless!! ♥


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Forget the past. It’s a new day. New opportunity.

It’s a new week. It’s a new day. With every new day we have a new opportunity to improve our circumstances, to grow and develop ourselves, to overcome the challenges and take another step forward.

Forget the past. Can you move forward by going backwards? Same way, you can’t move forward in life, if in your mind you keep going back to what had happened earlier. The past events now are only the facts that cannot be changed. It’s a history. Also, going back to them in your mind won’t make you feel better nor will it empower you. In fact, you make it only worse for yourself, because by constantly thinking about your unsuccessful attempt to accomplish something, people who hurt you or what you have lost, you re-live the pain over and over again. There was a moment in my life that completely got me out of deep depression. It was the moment when I realized that by thinking about things that were painful to me,  I was torturing myself. By constantly thinking about what I have lost and what I could not do any more, I lived in never ending emotional pain. I was my own worst enemy! I asked myself “Why do I do that to myself…?” That day I completely shifted my focus and my thought pattern into a different direction – into the future instead of my past, and That was the beginning of my new life.

Every day you have a new beginning. Your faith, empowering attitude and actions that you choose today can make a change. By focusing on what you have today (forget what you have lost or what you cannot do!) and how you can improve your circumstances can even change the direction of your life. If you did not succeed a year ago or yesterday doesn’t mean you won’t today or tomorrow. Your past events cannot determine how you feel nor can it determine your future, if you decide not to dwell on your past, but move forward creating the life you truly desire.

If you can’t let go the mistake that you have done or you can’t forgive yourself for making that choice, try to change your perspective about it. Mistakes are not the reason for you to feel bad about yourself or beat yourself up for making the wrong decision. We all do mistakes, and it’s a natural thing for everyone. Take past wrong choices or bad experiences as lessons what you could do better in the future. Simply ask yourself what you can learn from that, close that page and move on. Next time you will do better because you had the lesson.:) And meanwhile, make necessary conclusions, learn your lesson and take another step forward. We can’t move forward by making steps backwards, right? So don’t look back.  Turn your sight to the destination you are going, take a deep breath, smile, and open a new fresh page of your life. It’s a new day that the Lord has made! Have a wonderful week everyone!



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How we respond will determine what’s next

Happy Monday!:) We have another week ahead, and who knows what’s lying ahead of us, right? Life is like a cocktail that contains various situations. But whatever is ahead not necessarily have to determine our future. Today I want to share with you something that greatly impacted why my life has turned around from a nightmare into a sunny day 🙂 and what helps me to deal with obstacles as I go. Simply think of it this way: you always have a Choice what you are going to do about an event or situation that occurs in your life whatever situation might be. We cannot control outside events, but we can control how we look at it and what we do about it, and Yes it will greatly impact what’s next.

When you face a challenging situation, what do you do? Are you going to allow your fear and doubts to have control over you and make the decision for you OR are you going to look straight into fears eyes and step up forward anyway? Are you going to sit and complain about how bad it is and how hard it is for you OR are you ready to do what you need to do to overcome the obstacles that make your situation challenging? Are you going to give up when it gets really tough OR are you going to persist and go through it all until you reach your desired result? You are the one, who chooses the answer, and your choice will determine where you are going. Stay strong and make a choice that might not be the easy one, but will make you win. Have a great week!!


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…Is it worth it?

This week I was reminded again how important it is to be very careful listening to other people’s opposing opinions and better yet – Not to listen them at all if you Know in your heart what it is that you are supposed to do.

It is scary to even think about where I would be in my life today, if I allowed the irony and smiles of others to change my decisions on my goals… I heard sooo many suggestions of what I should do with my choices and my life… and IF I had listened to opinions that I was crazy with my goals and intentions, and instead I should have done what they thought I should do – I would not have come to California, would not have reached my “impossible” dream goals and would not be as happy as I am.

 If God gave you the vision and opportunity to implement it – people’s opinions, fears and suggestions of what you should do must have no impact on your decision. First, we do not know Why people say what they say. We do not know what’s in their heart and what their intentions are. Besides, their opinions are based on their beliefs, their own past experiences and fears, attitudes and their perspectives. But it is theirs, not yours. This is Your life. You know what you believe in, you have your vision and only you can know what the right thing for you to do is. So hold on to your vision and your faith no matter what people say, and just keep moving forward toward your vision.

 People will say their suggestion to you, forget about it and then continue their lives. And what if you, by altering your decision according to their opinions, might miss what God has prepared for you. …Is it worth it?


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